My bedside travel alarm clock, bought from Ikea for $1 years ago, ticked its last the other day. So it went into the e-waste, one less item I own. I've just realised that now there are no more analogue timepieces in this household, working or not. No handed-down-from-grandfather clocks or watches, no alarm clocks with bells on top (still shown in computer icons, what an anachronism), no roosters. 😀
It won't be replaced. Currently I'm using an old phone as an alarm. I've also revived an old clock radio (clock part formerly split-flap, now digital) to wake me up with music. For travel the smartphone does this and more.
It won't be replaced. Currently I'm using an old phone as an alarm. I've also revived an old clock radio (clock part formerly split-flap, now digital) to wake me up with music. For travel the smartphone does this and more.