Saturday, 30 March 2019

You know you didn't really need something when...

you don't miss it at all and you have to think back to a time when you had it.

Such was the case for:

  • The compact DVD player which was slightly flaky. I have a PVR that plays DVDs also so the player was redundant.
  • The P&S digital camera which was redundant because my phone camera does the job now.
  • The old cooking utensils, old crockery and old cutlery, which were redundant because I had bought new ones but hadn't put them to use.
  • The set of glass tumblers which I hardly ever used. I have a few other glasses anyway.
  • Old RCA connector AV cables which weren't needed by any equipment I have.
Freecycle is great for giving things away.

Monday, 11 February 2019

No more analogue time

My bedside travel alarm clock, bought from Ikea for $1 years ago, ticked its last the other day. So it went into the e-waste, one less item I own. I've just realised that now there are no more analogue timepieces in this household, working or not. No handed-down-from-grandfather clocks or watches, no alarm clocks with bells on top (still shown in computer icons, what an anachronism), no roosters. 😀

It won't be replaced. Currently I'm using an old phone as an alarm. I've also revived an old clock radio (clock part formerly split-flap, now digital) to wake me up with music. For travel the smartphone does this and more.